We have expectations that the church will be there for us in times of sickness, joy and sorrow, to baptize, marry and bury, to bless and sanctify our homes; to teach, counsel, and serve, guiding us on the road to the kingdom of Heaven. It is natural; the grace of the sacraments are intended for the benefit and well-being of the faithful.
However, the life of the Holy Trinity poured out on the community comes with expectations of us as well -- we who receive the blessings. The context of our relationship with God assumes that one is dedicated, committed, and actively pursuing the spiritual life within the community of the parish.
It stands to reason, therefore, that the recipients of grace are members in good standing.
It's necessary to say these things as the standard must be set for the spiritual health and well-being of the parish and the members of the parish.
The primary condition is that one must have been baptized/received into the Orthodox Church. However, baptism isn't enough. You must act upon the grace given at baptism. We're expected to do that.
You must also be living in a manner befitting an Orthodox Christian, attending a local parish, devoted to the spiritual life, worship, the sacraments, and growing in Christ.
In light of that, what are the expectations of the church toward the recipients of grace?
You freely give of your time, talent, and treasure. Such a person is a true member of the community. It naturally follows that one is involved in:
At times, there are people who give of their treasure, but seldomly participate in sacramental life or the services. While this approach indicates a level of concern for one's salvation, it shouldn't be construed as genuine, full membership in the parish. It's partial at best.
There are others who rarely make contact with the church, hardly give of themselves or anything, but still expect the church to provide services, like baptisms, funerals, and weddings.
It must be stated categorically that the blessings of the Church are gifts from God; they aren't "rights" to be demanded.
It naturally follows that the recipients of grace will be active members in good standing.
This doesn't necessarily mean inactive Christians will be refused the blessings of the Church. The priest uses discretion. The point is that to whom much is given, much is expected.